LIFE OrgBalt

LIFE OrgBalt “Demonstration of climate change mitigation potential of nutrients rich organic soils in Baltic States and Finland”


Project title


Demonstration of climate change mitigation potential of nutrients rich organic soils in Baltic States and Finland
Project abbreviation LIFE OrgBalt
Main topics Climate policy, climate change, GHG emissions, GHG emission measurements, drained nutrient-rich organic soils on agricultural and forest land, Boreal and Temperate cool and moist climar=te regions, EU climate goals, sustainable development, GHG inventory, GHG emissions database, drained nutrient-rich organic soil management, policy planning tools , scientific research


August 1, 2019 – August 31, 2023.


Project funding: 


provided by the LIFE Programme of the European Union and the State Regional Development Agency of Latvia
Project partners The coordinating beneficiary:

1. Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava” (Latvia)

Associated beneficiaries:

2. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia (Latvia)

3. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia)

4. University of Tartu (Estonia)

5. Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE (Finland)

6. Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (Lithuania)

7. Michael Succow Foundation (Germany)

8. Association Baltic Coasts (Latvia)

Total budget of the project:


 3,360,948.00 EUR


EU financial contribution


1,844,004.00 EUR


State financial contribution


439,910.00 EUR


Partner financial contribution 1,077,034.00 EUR


LIFE OrgBalt aims to demonstrate climate change mitigation measures by managing drained nutrient-rich organic soils on agricultural and forest land in Boreal and Temperate cool and moist climate regions in Europe. Management activities will be carried out with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contributing to the EU’s common and national climate goals.

The area of ​​organic soils (soils rich in organic material – plant and animal residues at different stages of decomposition) in the territories of the European Union (EU) occupies 33.6 Mha (7% of the EU area). The LIFE OrgBalt project focuses on the most common group of managed organic soils – drained nutrient-rich organic soils in in Boreal and Temperate cool and moist climate regions, which cover an area of ​​approximately 21 million hectares or 61% of existing organic soils in the EU.

The LIFE OrgBalt project will last for four years – from 1 August 2019 to 31 August 2023.

The LIFE OrgBalt objectives are: 

 1. To improve GHG calculations for drained nutrient-rich organic soils by including project territory specific activity data and emission factors.

2. To identify and demonstrate sustainable, resilient and cost-effective climate change mitigation measures.

3. To provide tools and guidance for the elaboration, implementation and verification of efficiency of climate change mitigation policies.

The project “Demonstration of climate change mitigation potential of nutrients rich organic soils in Baltic States and Finland” (LIFE OrgBalt, LIFE18 CCM/LV/001158) has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union and the State Regional Development Agency of Latvia. 

The information reflects only the LIFE OrgBalt project beneficiaries’ view and the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.